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Nopal Cactus Wall Decor Nopal Cactus Wall Decor
Nopal Cactus Wall Decor
This 32 x 28 cm decorative and handmade nopal cactus ornament made of tin adds a good amount of authentic mexican touch to your apartment wall
27,99 EUR
Nopalito Corazón Nopalito Corazón
Nopalito Corazón
14 x 13 cm großes Tonherz für die Wand im Stile eines Nopal Kaktus Blatts mit feschem Skelett und exquisiter Handbemalung
19,99 EUR
Cactus Wall Decor Cactus Wall Decor
Cactus Wall Decor
This 32 x 22,5 cm decorative and handmade cactus ornament made of tin brings a good amount of authentic mexican touch to your apartment wall
27,99 EUR
Heart Mirror XL Heart Mirror XL
Heart Mirror XL
42 x 24 cm tin metal heart with embedded mirror. This mexican decoration is a real old school handcraft and makes an excellent gift for all occasions
39,99 EUR
Sugarskull Mirror Sugarskull Mirror
Sugarskull Mirror
30 x 21 cm mexikanischer Totenkopf für die Wand mit integriertem Spiegel, aufwändig dekoriert und mit viel Liebe handbemalt
14,99 EUR 27,99 EUR
Heart Mirror Heart Mirror
Heart Mirror
22,5 x 13 cm tin metal heart with embedded mirror. This mexican decoration is a real old school handcraft and makes an excellent gift for all occasions
12,99 EUR
Healing Hand Mirror Healing Hand Mirror
Healing Hand Mirror
13,5 x 8 cm tin metal hand with embedded mirror. This mexican decoration is a real old school handcraft and makes an excellent gift for all occasions
9,99 EUR
Sugarskull Ornament Sugarskull Ornament
Sugarskull Ornament
16 x 11 cm Blechornament für die Wand mit schwarzer Lasur und leichter Wölbung – ein formschönes Exempel mexikanischen Kunsthandwerks der alten Schule aus Oaxaca
9,99 EUR
Herzflamme Herzflamme
16 x 9 cm Herz aus Blech - eine gediegene Handarbeit der alten Schule und stilechte mexikanische Deko für die Wand
9,99 EUR
The Hanging Skeleton The Hanging Skeleton
The Hanging Skeleton
63 cm true old school artisanship made of tin. All parts of the skeleton are connected by means of small loops of wire - a sweet handmade party decoration and nice gadget for your Day of the Dead altar
14,99 EUR
Hängeskelett Mariachi Hängeskelett Mariachi
Hängeskelett Mariachi
40 cm Vintage Hängeskelett aus Blech mit gediegener schwarzer Lasur und feinstens herausgearbeiteten Details – eine grazile Dia de los Muertos Deko für anspruchsvolle Geschmäcker
21,99 EUR
Skeleton Mermaid Skeleton Mermaid
Skeleton Mermaid
51 cm true old school artisanship made of tin. All parts of the skeleton mermaid are connected by means of small loops of wire - a sweet handmade party decoration and nice gadget for your Day of the Dead Altar
14,99 EUR
Altar Poster Set Altar Poster Set
Altar Poster Set
Set of two 21 x 55 cm cut-out posters made from cardboard for your Day of the Dead Altar or as a home accessory all year long.
7,99 EUR
Frida Calavera Poster Frida Calavera Poster
Frida Calavera Poster
27 x 30 cm Frida Calavera cut-out poster made from cardboard for your Day of the Dead party or as a home accessory all year long.
4,99 EUR
Day of the Dead Poster Set Day of the Dead Poster Set
Day of the Dead Poster Set
Set of two 29 x 38 cm cut-out posters made from cardboard for your Day of the Dead party or as a home accessory all year long.
7,99 EUR
Viva la Vida Schrein Viva la Vida Schrein
Viva la Vida Schrein
Frida Kahlo Wandschrein von Tzopelli mit ganz viel Glitter und geschmackvoller Dekoration. Überbordender mexikanischer Breitwandkitsch im Pop Art Format
55,00 EUR
Schrein Corazon Schrein Corazon
Schrein Corazon
Exquisiter Wandschmuck von Tzopelli mit einem gediegenen Vintage Messingherzen, aufwändiger Dekoration und verwaschenen Farbeffekten
100,00 EUR
Sagrado Corazon Schrein Sagrado Corazon Schrein
Sagrado Corazon Schrein
Prächtiger Jesus Wandschrein von Tzopelli mit ganz viel Glitter und geschmackvoller Dekoration. Religiöser mexikanischer Breitwandkitsch im Pop Art Format
55,00 EUR
Ex Voto Arbol de la Vida Ex Voto Arbol de la Vida
Ex Voto Arbol de la Vida
75,00 EUR
Ex Voto Frida con Alas Ex Voto Frida con Alas
Ex Voto Frida con Alas
75,00 EUR
Ex Voto Sol y Luna Ex Voto Sol y Luna
Ex Voto Sol y Luna
75,00 EUR
Viva la Vida Greeting Card Viva la Vida Greeting Card
Viva la Vida Greeting Card
Frida Kahlo Postcard made of handmade bark paper and envelope made of recycled cardboard. Makes an extraordinary greeting card and, when put in a picture frame, a tasteful Mexican wall decoration
3,99 EUR
Mr. Calavera Greeting Card Mr. Calavera Greeting Card
Mr. Calavera Greeting Card
Postcard made of hand crafted bark paper with Calavera motif and envelope made of recycled cardboard. Makes an extraordinary greeting card and, when put in a picture frame, a tasteful Mexican wall decoration
3,99 EUR
Viva la Frida Greeting Card Viva la Frida Greeting Card
Viva la Frida Greeting Card
Postcard made of hand crafted bark paper with Frida Kahlo Photo and envelope made of recycled cardboard. Makes an extraordinary greeting card and, when put in a picture frame, a tasteful Mexican wall decoration
3,99 EUR
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